A.Vogel Allergy Relief Nasal Spray 20ml

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A.Vogel Allergy Relief Nasal Spray 20ml
A.Vogel Allergy Relief Nasal Spray 20ml—DIN-HM:80014953 Natural allergic rhinitis treatment. Allergy Relief spray has a direct action on the nasal mucosa, yielding a faster and more pronounced effect on nasal symptoms such as rhinitis.
A.Vogel Allergy Relief - allergic rhinitis treatment Sneezing Itchy nose Scratching throat Burning eyes and lacrimation. Sugar and gluten-free Allergy Relief (Pollinosan®) actual concept is very different from that of the other homeopathic products available for allergies. Rather than targeting only allergic symptoms, Allergic rhinitis treatment (Pollinosan®) eliminates the toxins that overload the immune system. It is therefore aimed at all types of allergies (rather than only hay fever) because it promotes a normalization of the immune system. Composition Each mL contains: Medicinal ingredients: Ammi visnaga (Khella, ripe fruit) 6X, Aralia racemosa (American Spikenard, fresh root and rhizome) 6X, Cardiospermum halicacabum (fresh, aerial parts of the flowering plant) 6X, Luffa operculata (whole fruit) 6X, Okoubaka (dried bark of the branches) 6X, Larrea Mexicana (Gobernadora, leaf and young branch) 6X, Galphimia glauca (dried leaf and inflorescence) 6X. Non-medicinal ingredients: Water, isotonic solution buffered with disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate and less than 0.7% ethanol. No preservatives necessary as the solution will not flow back into the bottle. Dosage Adults and adolescents over 12 years old: Spray once or twice into each nostril 3 to 5 times daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Children 1 to 11 years old: Spray once into each nostril, 4 times daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Historical overview Allergies were almost never heard of 50 years ago but they are now one of the most frequent health problems. Respiratory allergies, hay fever, allergic asthma, food allergies and urticaria are only some of the names given to this disease, now of epidemic proportions in our society. According to some authors, 40% of the population suffers from one or another form of allergy (against only 4% in the 50s). Many therapists blame environmental pollution, others blame chemical and devitalized food, others blame antibiotics, and others blame vaccines. Be that as it may, the current medical answer to an allergy is not satisfactory: antihistaminic and other allergy-drugs bring a temporary relief but no treatment. The real question is: "If it is possible to acquire an allergy, shouldnt it be possible to get rid of it?" Beyond tradition, homeopathic science is in constant evolution. Research on new therapeutic avenues led to the exploration of medicinal herbs from afar. Pollinosan® contains many of these exotic herbs and represent the fruits of the researchers incessant labor. These herbs are not found in the traditional homeopathic materia medica. They include Ammi visnaga, Cardiospermum halicacabum, Galphinia glauca, Larrea mexicana and Okoubaka aubrevillei and come from Africa, Mexico, etc. Pollinosan®s actual concept is very different from that of the other homeopathic products available for allergies. Rather than targeting only allergic symptoms, Pollinosan® eliminates the toxins that overload the immune system. It is therefore aimed at all types of allergies (rather than only hay fever) because it promotes a normalization of the immune system. Actions and pharmacology Pollinosan® spray has an appropriate physiological pH and does not irritate the sensitive lining of the nose. Contrary to pharmaceutical decongestant sprays it does not cause rebound congestion. Ammi visnaga (Toothpick herb) D6 Toothpick herb is a member of the Umbelliferae family and comes from the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Near East.Part used: dried ripe fruit.Ammi visnaga is used in the treatment of angina pectoris, upper respiratory tract inflammations and asthma. It especially targets abundant secretions of the respiratory tract, whooping cough, chronic bronchitis and sibilance. Its main active ingredient, khelline, has vasodilator and bronchodilator properties. Aralia racemosa (American Spikenard) D6 American spikenard is a member of the Araliacae family and comes from North America, from Canada to Virginia. Not to be confused with Sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis).Part used: fresh root and rhizome.Aralia racemosa is used as an expectorant. It is particularly useful in cases of sensitivity to the least draught (often resulting in a cold or an aqueous, abundant and irritating nasal drip), of asthma starting before midnight (usually aggravated around 11 p.m.); and of coughs triggered by lying down. Cardiospermum halicacabum D6 Cardiospermum is a member of the Sapindacae family and comes from Southern North America, and Central America.Part used: freshly grown herb.In local traditional medicine, cardiospermum was used to treat respiratory illnesses and digestive problems. In homeopathic dilution, it is used in both skin and respiratory allergies. In vitro, cardiospermum blocks histamine reactions and has proven spasmolytic, hypotensive and anti-inflammatory properties. According to Dr. W. Schwabe(1), many allergy-suffering patients got significantly better results with cardiospermum than with cortisone. He therefore recommends cardiospermum each time allopathic medicine recommends cortisone (especially for serious allergy symptoms). Galphimia glauca (Galphemia, Thryallis glauca) D6 Galphimia is a member of the Malpighiacae family and comes from Mexico and Central America.Part used: leaves and dried flowers.Galphimia is successfully used in all sorts of skin and respiratory allergies. A study published in « Fortschritte Der Therapie » followed 86 patients suffering from hay fever during two allergy seasons. From the 41 patients of the treated group (galphimia 4 X), 11 saw their symptoms disappear and 23 noted an important improvement. In the placebo group (45 patients), only 3 saw their symptoms disappear and 18 noted an important improvement. No side effects were reported.(2) Galphimia is acknowledged in the German homeopathic pharmacopoeia. Larrea mexicana (L. tridentata) (Paloondo, chaparral) D6 Larrea or Chaparral is a member of the zygophyllacae family and comes from the deserts of South-Western North America.Part used: whole dried herb.In traditional medicine, Chaparral was used as a blood purifier and against some cancers. In homeopathic dilution, it has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties and it is useful in the treatment of respiratory tract infections and inflammations. Its role in Pollinosan® is to drain the allergic terrain. Luffa operculata (Luffa) D6 Luffa is a member of the Cucurbitacae family and comes from Central America, South America and North Africa.Part used: dried fruit.Luffa is recommended in cases of atrophic rhinitis like those following a nasal decongestant spray abuse. It is typically effective for those with a crusty dry nose, or those who suffer from a head cold with pale or yellow secretions present mostly in the morning. These symptoms are generally aggravated in hot rooms and improved outdoors. Okoubaka aubrevillei (Okoubaka) D6 Okoubaka is a member of the Octonematacae family and comes from West Africa.Part used: dried bark.Okoubaka is used in the prevention and treatment of poisoning. Dr M. Kunz studied its ability to stimulate the bodys defence mechanisms against poisoning.(3) She noticed Okoubakas effectiveness against food poisoning, pesticide poisoning and many self-poisoning (auto-toxic) diseases like some diabetes. An allergy may be considered an exacerbation of the bodys defence mechanisms (the immune system) that start attacking normally inoffensive intruders. Okoubaka normalizes these defence mechanisms and allows the immune system to concentrate on real aggressors. Scientific studies A Dutch clinical study evaluated Pollinosan® liquid on 199 patients suffering from the following allergies: dust: 50,8%; animals: 35,7%; pollens (hay fever): 68,3%; and unknown origin: 14,6%. Most patients suffered from more than one allergy and 28,6% were allergic only to pollens. The study was conducted from April to July of 1988 and 1989. The results of the two years were compared and look into consideration differences in allergens (due to dry weather, for example) that could alter the data. The use of Pollinosan® led to conclusive results: 56,8% of patients reported a distinct improvement of their symptoms (complete or quasi-complete disappearance of symptoms); 31,7% of patients reported a partial improvement of symptoms; and only 11,5% of patients did not notice any improvement. No side effects were reported.(4) Precautions, contraindications and interactions Avoid taking in case of known allergy to any of the ingredients in the product. Consult a healthcare practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. Do not use if safety seal is broken. Keep out of reach of children. In the first days of treatment, an initial aggravation of symptoms may occur. This positive manifestation will soon subside and indicates that the body is responding to treatment. When this happens, reduce the dosage by half and gradually increase according to symptoms. References 1- Leeser O. Lehrbuch der Homöopathie. Karl F Haug Verkag Heidelberg éditeur 1971. 2- Weisenauer M, Haussler S, Gaus W. Pollinosis therapy with galphimia glauca. Fortschritte Der Therapie. 3- Kunz M. Okoubaka. A New Homoeopathic Medication. Allgemeine Hoeopathische Zeitung 1972;217(3);116-21. 4- Helweg JH et al. Pollinosan® study. Bioforce Ltd. 1990. Suisse.
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