A.Vogel Bronchosan Natural Cough Remedy 50ml

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A.Vogel Bronchosan Natural Cough Remedy 50ml
A.Vogel Bronchosan Natural Cough Remedy 50ml—NPN:80028836-80029732 Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a natural cough expectorant (helps mucus expulsion) to help relieve coughs and chest complaints, such as catarrhs and bronchitis.
A.Vogel Bronchosan® natural cough remedy Fast-acting tincture, absorbed as soon as you take it No potential for dependency No side effects No side effects Sugar-, gluten- and lactose-free Ivy relaxes the bronchial tubes, easing tightness and reducing spasms of coughing. Thyme thins mucus in the lungs, helping its expulsion. In other words, you’ll cough less but when you do cough, something will come out! The joy of this natural cough remedy is the speed at which it works. Often, 12 hours of use can easily make a big difference to your condition. Composition Each mL (38 drops) Medicinal ingredients: Tinctures of: Fresh Ivy (Hedera helix) leaf (ratio 1:5.6) 376 mg, equivalent to 67 mg dried leaf; Fresh Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) herb top* (ratio 1:7.9) 329 mg, equivalent to 42 mg dried herb; Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) root (ratio 1:10) 234 mg, equivalent to 23 mg dried root; Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) leaf essential oil 0.5 mg. Non-medicinal ingredients: Water, alcohol (1 mL tincture contains 0.47 mL ethanol), Aniseed essential oil. *CERTIFIED ORGANICALLY GROWN BY: BIO SUISSE DOSAGE: Dosage For cough: Adults: Take 1 mL (38 drops) with water, 4 to 5 times daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. For catarrhs and bronchitis: Adults: Take 2 mL (76 drops) with water, 5 times daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Salivate before swallowing. Duration of use: Consult a healthcare practitioner for use beyond 4-6 weeks. 1 mL = 38 drops. Dropper included. Historical overview Bronchosan contains many natural medicinal herb extracts acknowledged by tradition as well as present-day science for their effects on the respiratory tract. Ivy and Thyme have antispasmodic and expectorant properties. Thanks to its volatile essential oil content, Thyme is also useful against upper respiratory tract infections. Licorice is traditionally included in cough and cold preparations. Eucalyptus and Star Anise essential oils are useful to relieve cough and respiratory tract irritations. The synergy of Bronchosan’s components promotes not only the relief of cough and cold symptoms and the drainage of secretions, but also accelerates healing by supporting the immune system’s natural functions, either by direct effects, or by antioxidant effects. Actions and pharmacology Ivy (Hedera helix) Ivy is used as a natural cough remedy and expectorant, antispasmodic and for respiratory tract mucous inflammations. Scientific literature has now confirmed many of Ivy’s traditional indications. One of Ivy’s saponins, alpha hederine, has an antifungal effect against yeast like Candida albicans.(1) Its antispasmodic effect was demonstrated in vitro on trachea cells. Phenols and saponins are mainly responsible for this effect.(2) The German Commission E acknowledges its benefits in cases of: catarrhs of the respiratory passages, symptomatic treatment of chronic inflammatory bronchial conditions. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Thyme is rich in terpenes and phenols (mainly thymol). Well known for its culinary worth, it is also an excellent antibacterial. According to an in vitro study, Thyme has a bactericide activity against at least 25 types of bacteria.(3) Moreover, Thyme contains more than 26 different molecules with a demonstrated antioxidant effect. This effect might prove important in the treatment of respiratory inflammations.(4) A team of researchers has revealed Thyme’s significant anti-parasite effect.(5) Thyme extract has also demonstrated in vitro antispasmodic properties on trachea cells. This tropism confirms its efficacy in respiratory ailments.(6) Since Thyme’s active molecules are volatile, they concentrate in the respiratory tract and are excreted in mucous. The German Commission E acknowledges its benefits in cases of: symptoms of bronchitis and whooping cough and catarrhs of the upper respiratory tracts. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Licorice extracts have always been incorporated in cough and respiratory tract preparations. The sweetening power and the covering taste of Licorice are useful to cover the bitter taste of other herbs like Ivy. However, its respiratory properties are not to be sneezed at. Licorice is useful for coughs and to soothe mucous membranes. Its isoflavones have antioxidant properties.(7) The flavonoids, including the isoflavones, also have anti-microbal effects.(8) However, contrary to antibiotics, which may have a negative effect on the immune system, Licorice has demonstrated an immunostimulant effect by activating macrophages, the immune system cells that represent our first line of defense.(9) Moreover, Licorice has demonstrated an antiviral effect.(10) The German Commission E acknowledges its benefits in cases of: catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract and gastric/duodenal ulcers. Star Anise (Illicium anisatum, I. verum) Thanks to its content in anethole, Star Anise has expectorant and soothing effects on mucous membranes. Anise is considered as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) as a food in the United States. The German Commission E acknowledges its benefits in cases of: catarrhs of the respiratory tract and peptic discomforts. Eucalyptus The use of Eucalyptus oil for colds, cough and flus is well established. Eucalyptus essential oil is used to relieve cough and upper respiratory tract inflammation and as a natural cough remedy, freshener and counter-irritant. According to in vitro studies, Eucalyptus acts on histamine liberation, which might explain its effect on the symptoms of congestion and mucous membrane inflammation.(11) The phenols, including eucalyptol, have demonstrated antioxidant(12) and antimicrobial effects. The German Commission E acknowledges its benefits in cases of: catarrhs of the respiratory tract. Scientific studies A clinical study demonstrated the ability of an Ivy extract to improve pulmonary function in children suffering from chronic obstructive bronchitis. The studies impute its effectiveness to its expectorant and spasmolytic effects.(13) Precautions, contraindications and interactions Do not use if you are taking thiazide diuretics, cardiac glycosides, corticosteroids, stimulant laxatives or other medications which may aggravate electrolyte imbalance or if you have hypokalemia, high blood pressure, or a kidney or cardiovascular disorder. Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or if you have a liver disorder. Discontinue use in case of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and/or abdominal and epigastric pain. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare practitioner. Do not use in case of known allergy to any of the ingredients in the product. Do not use if security cap is broken. Keep out of the reach of children. References 1-Moulin-Traffort J, Favel A, Elias R, Regli P. Study of the action of alpha-hederin on the ultrastructure of Candida albicans. Mycoses 1998 Nov;41(9-10):411-6 2-Trute A, Gross J, Mutschler E, Nahrstedt A. In vitro antispasmodic compounds of the dry extract obtained from Hedera helix. Planta Med 1997 Apr;63(2):125-9 3-Dorman HJ, Deans SG. Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile oils. J Appl Microbiol 2000 Feb;88(2):308-16 4-Nakatani N. Phenolic antioxidants from herbs and spices. Biofactors 2000;13(1-4):141-6 5-Mikus J, Harkenthal M, Steverding D, Reichling J. In vitro effect of essential oils and isolated mono- and sesquiterpenes on Leishmania major and Trypanosoma brucei. Planta Med 2000 May;66(4):366-8 6-Meister A, Bernhardt G, Christoffel V, Buschauer A. Antispasmodic activity of Thymus vulgaris extract on the isolated guinea-pig trachea: discrimination between drug and ethanol effects. Planta Med 1999 Aug;65(6):512-6 7-Haraguchi H, Yoshida N, Ishikawa H et al. Protection of mitochondrial functions against oxidative stresses by isoflavans from Glycyrrhiza glabra. J Pharm Pharmacol 2000 Feb;52(2):219-23 8-Li W, Asada Y, Yoshikawa T. Antimicrobial flavonoids from Glycyrrhiza glabra hairy root cultures. Planta Med 1998 Dec;64(8):746-7 9-Nose M, Terawaki K, Oguri K, et al. Activation of macrophages by crude polysaccharide fractions obtained from shoots of Glycyrrhiza glabra and hairy roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis in vitro. Biol Pharm Bull 1998 Oct;21(10):1110-2 10-Badam L. In vitro antiviral activity of indigenous glycyrrhizin, Licorice and glycyrrhizic acid (Sigma) on Japanese encephalitis virus. J Commun Dis 1997 Jun;29(2):91-9 11-Ikawati Z, Wahyuono S, Maeyama K. Screening of several Indonesian medicinal plants for their inhibitory effect on histamine release from RBL-2H3 cells. J Ethnopharmacol 2001 May;75(2-3):249-56 12-Yun BS, Lee IK, Kim JP, et al. Lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity of some constituents isolated from the stem bark of Eucalyptus globulus. Arch Pharm Res 2000 Apr;23(2):147-50 13-Gulyas A, Repges R, Dethlefsen U. Therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in children. Atemvegs und Lungenkrankheiten 1997;23:291-294.
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