A.Vogel St. John's Wort Oil 100ml

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A.Vogel St. John's Wort Oil 100ml
A.Vogel St. John's Wort Oil 100ml—NPN:80001171 Wounds and burn remedy
A.Vogel St. John's Wort Oil Traditionally used to treat : minor inflammation of the skin, blunt injuries, wounds and burns Composition Each mL contains: Medicinal ingredient: Fresh organic* and wild St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) herb extract. (ratio 1:4) ...920 mg, equivalent to 230 mg aerial parts and flowers. Non-medicinal ingredient: Sunflower oil. * Certified by Bio Suisse Dosage External use: Adults: Apply oil to affected area 2 to 3 times daily and rub gently. Duration: May be used up to 6 weeks. Historical overview The oil from St. John’s Wort is often called the red oil because of its characteristic colour. This colour comes from the pigment dianthrone, hypericine, found in the vacuoles located in petals and leaves. The oil, mentioned in the oldest herbalists’ texts, is traditionally used as a vulnerary and topical anti-inflammatory. Nicolas Culpeper (1616-1654) describes its use: « Outwardly, it is of great service in bruises, contusions, and wounds, especially in the nervous parts, (…) made into an ointment, it opens obstructions, dissolves swellings, and closes up the lips of wounds. »(1) According to many authors, the oil is also used for abrasions, inflammation, muscle pain, first-degree burns, hemorrhoids, vitiligo and neuralgia.(2) A. Vogel's St. John’s Wort Oil is prepared with the greatest care: the leaves and wilted flower heads are rejected and the time between harvest and extraction process is kept to a minimum. To prepare St. John’s Wort Oil, flower heads are macerated in sunflower oil for 6 weeks. The mixture is stirred once a week to make sure that the maximum amount of active ingredients (part used of the medicinal herb) is in contact with the solvent (sunflower oil). Finally, the mixture is pressed and filtered to obtain A.Vogel’s quality fine oil. Actions and pharmacology Scientific literature confirms St. John’s Wort Oil’s topical vulnerary and anti-inflammatory effects. One study attributes these effects mostly to hypericin, pseudohypericin and hyperforin.(4) This study also demonstrates an anti-inflammatory effect, which could be useful for inflammatory skin problems. In vitro, hyperforin has demonstrated an antifungal effect.(7) The German Commission E acknowledges its benefits in cases of: treatment and post-therapy of acute and contused injuries, myalgia (muscle pain) and first-degree burns.(3) Scientific studies An interesting clinical study conducted on an Hypericum palatum extract (an Indian cousin of St. John’s Wort that contains the same active ingredients) has confirmed its ability to speed up the wound healing process. This study has demonstrated a significant effect on wound closure time, tissue regeneration, tensile strength and histopathological changes. These changes were all comparable or superior to the control medication, nitrofurazone.(8) Cautions and warnings For external use only. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet light (UV) or UV therapy. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Avoid taking in case of allergy to any of the ingredients in the product. If symptoms persist consult a healthcare practitioner. Do not use if security cap is broken. Keep out of the reach of children. References 1-Culpeper Francis. Culpeper's Complete Herbal. W. Foulsham & Co. London UK. 2-Der Maderosian A et al, éditeur. The Review of Natural Products by Facts and Comparisons. St. Louis, MO: Wolters Kluwer Co., 2000. 3-Blumenthal M et al. ed. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American Botanical Council, 1998 Trans. S. Klein. Boston, MA. 4-Schempp CM, Winghofer B, Ludtke R, et al. Topical application of St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) and its metabolite hyperforin inhibits the allostimulatory capacity of epidermal cells. Br J Dermatol 2000;142:979-84. 5-Lane-Brown MM. Photosensitivity associated with herbal preparations of St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum). Med J Aust 2000;172:302. 6-Schempp CM, Ludtke R, Winghofer B et al. Effect of topical application of Hypericum perforatum extract (St. John’s Wort) on skin sensitivity to solar simulated radiation. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 2000;16(3):125-8. 7-Khosa, R.L. and Bhatia, N., 1982. Antifungal effects of Hypericum perforatum Linn. J. Sci. Res. Plants. Med. 3, pp. 49-50. 8-Mukherjee PK, Verpoorte R, Suresh B. Evaluation of in-vivo wound healing activity of Hypericum patulum (Family: hypericaceae) leaf extract on different wound model in rats. J Ethnopharmacol 2000 Jun;70(3):315-21
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