Life Choice DMAE Restorative Cream 56g

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DMAE Restorative Cream 56g
DMAE Restorative Cream 56g (#23A) Retailer login required to purchase Improves skin tone and resilience Evens out minor imperfections Softens and eliminates fine lines Helps smooth acne and scar tissues Tingling sensation when applied In the Nominee Gift Bags at the 2015 Academy Awards!
As the body’s largest organ, the skin reflects the health of what lies beneath, like a living, breathing mirror. So from its pristine condition at birth, the skin is subject to attacks from within and without, as the elements and insufficient dietary nutrients chip away at the vibrancy of youth. Unfortunately, as most people tend to neglect their health to some degree, they must struggle to restore it, and it’s much easier to maintain health than to regain it. For even the healthiest of people, however, some lines and wrinkles are inevitable. The smiles and frowns and stresses of our lives etch themselves into our faces, reflecting both joy and sorrow. Just like any living organ, the skin requires certain nutrients to maintain, restore, and repair itself, and its sponge-like ability to absorb and use elements which are applied topically means that these nutrients can be supplemented by smoothing over damaged skin. While there are thousands of brands of creams and preparations claiming to yield amazing results, only those which properly nourish the skin with the foods it needs are able to deliver lasting benefit, because their effects are achieved within the tissue. However, many millions of consumer dollars are wasted on cosmetic creams and lotions that only supply the illusion of healthy skin. After years of precision formulation, we’ve found a way to rejuvenate tired, sagging skin with a feast of nutrients to restore tone, texture, and elasticity, and help it to develop a healthy, youthful glow. Our DMAE Restorative Treatment Cream, along with a well-balanced diet and plenty of fresh water, can help nourish the skin. Delicately scented with a whisper of lemon grass, this silky cream packs a powerful recipe for feeding your skin’s every need. Users report that this luscious formula feels “alive” on their skin, and that it quickly absorbs, leaving skin soft and supple, without a hint of greasiness. Always apply after giving the skin a thorough cleansing, and remember to exfoliate dead skin cells at least two or three times per month. Smooth over face and neck, gently massaging into the skin in an upward and outward motion. OUR INGREDIENTS AND THEIR BENEFITS DMAE: (dimethylaminoethanol — an amino acid) DMAE is a nutrient found naturally in our foods, such as fish. It is the immediate precursor to choline in the building and repair of cell membranes, especially in the brain and central nervous system. It contains important and proven ingredients for skin, and collagen support for repair and maintenance, as well as having positive influences on red blood cells carrying oxygen to the tissues. DMAE is a membrane stabilizer, which helps in preventing age spots. For more information on the benefits of DMAE, click here. VITAMIN ESTER C Ester C, a form of Vitamin C, functions as a proven antioxidant that helps to prevent free radical damage in all environments. Fortunately, it can be used by individuals who normally have sensitive skin, because it is fat-soluble, has a neutral pH, is non-acidic, and therefore non-irritating. Fat solubility enables this form of Vitamin C to reach the surface of the skin rapidly and most efficiently. ALPHA LIPOIC ACID (ALA) A powerful antioxidant, soluble in both water and lipid (fat), Alpha Lipoic Acid is called the Universal Antioxidant because of this dual solubility, which enables it to reach and protect both water and lipid components of skin with potent antioxidant benefits. ALA is also called the Metabolic Antioxidant, because it plays a vital role in the energy production of the cells. It is said to “spare” levels of other antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and E, which are naturally present in cells, thus allowing these essential nutrients to store up. With ALA supplementation, skin develops a healthy, glowing and more youthful appearance. Gentle, yet powerful, ALA is 400 times more potent an antioxidant than Vitamins C or E. Because it is present naturally in the skin, it is very well tolerated in supplementation, where it promotes optimum efficiency for production of energy, and aids in natural exfoliation. GLYCOLIC ACID Glycolic acid works to minimize large pores, while reducing the appearance of scarring and skin discolorations. Skin-soothing benefits reduce the appearance of ruddiness, providing a smoother, porcelain-like complexion. Known for its exfoliant properties, it gently and gradually removes dry, dead skin cells, leaving the skin surface clean and vibrant, and working synergistically with ALA and the rest of the ingredients. DMAE Restorative Treatment Cream is made with all-natural ingredients, using no chemical stabilizers. There is no Propylene Glycol or Polyethylene Glycol in our formula: these chemicals are used to produce anti-freeze, and are not intended to be used in a skin cream. We have made our cream in the traditional way, before chemicals entered the health field, because we are committed to helping you improve your health the way nature intended. Use twice daily on clean skin, can be used under makeup or sunscreen. Discontinue if rash or other skin irritation occurs.
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