NaturalFactors PGX Satisfast Whey Protein Dark Chocolate 252g Powder

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PGX Satisfast Whey Protein Dark Chocolate 252g Powder
PGX® Satisfast® Whey Protein Dark Chocolate 252 g Powder (SKU 3575) Combines the weight loss benefits of PGX and 100% natural whey protein Contains 2.5 g of PGX and 10 g of undenatured whey protein in each serving Helps reduce appetite before your next meal Makes a healthy snack option with only 60-70 calories per serving Stimulant free, with no artificial colours, flavours, additives, or sweeteners Available in delicious Rich Chocolate and Very Vanilla flavours
Overview PGX Satisfast Whey Protein combines the health and weight loss benefits of PGX, a proprietary complex of soluble fibres, with organic, gluten-free, non-GMO whey protein. Consuming protein improves appetite control, promotes healthy weight loss, and helps repair muscle fibres. PGX reduces between-meal snacking, helps balance blood sugar, and reduces cholesterol. Medicinal Ingredients Each scoop (18 g) contains: Undenatured, microfiltered whey protein concentrate and isolate (Bos taurus) (milk) 14 g (Providing 10 g whey protein) PGX® (PolyGlycopleX®) 2.5 g Highly purified water soluble polysaccharide complex manufactured using the proprietary EnviroSimplex® process: Konjac-mannan (Amorphophallus konjac) (root), sodium alginate, xanthan gum. Enzyme blend 10 mg Bromelain (Ananas comosus var. comosus) (stem) 100 mg (1,500,000 FCC PU) Protease (Bacillus subtilis) (whole cell) 2.8 mg (150 FCC PC) Papain (Caprica papaya) (fruit) 5.6 mg (18,009 FCC PU) Lipase (triacylglycerol lipase) (Aspergillus niger) (whole) 1.6 mg (1.75 FCC LU) FCC (Food Chemical Codex), PU (Papain Unit), PC (Protease Unit), LU (Lipase Unit). Non-Medicinal Ingredients Natural chocolate flavour, cocoa powder, Stevia rebaudiana leaf. Suggested Use Source of protein, essential amino acids, and branched-chain amino acids for the maintenance of good health. Helps build and repair body tissues, helps build antibodies, and contributes to muscle protein synthesis. Reduces appetite by promoting a feeling of fullness. Promotes healthy blood sugar levels. Advanced Info Two important advances in controlling appetite and blood sugar are combined in the PGX Satisfast Whey Protein drink mixes. PGX (PolyGlycopleX®) is a highly viscous novel polysaccharide complex made using advanced EnviroSimplex® technology. PGX helps balance blood sugar, reduces between-meal food cravings, promotes healthy weight loss, and reduces cholesterol levels. The soluble dietary fibre in PGX is 3–5 times more effective than any other fibre. It reduces appetite by promoting a feeling of fullness. PGX is completely safe and stimulant-free. Consuming protein throughout the day reduces appetite, balances blood sugar, and promotes healthy weight loss. Non-GMO, gluten-free PGX Satisfast Whey Protein delivers 10 g of complete protein per serving. It contains 18 amino acids including L-leucine, which is known to regulate insulin signalling.The whey is made without damaging heat or chemicals to yield the highest level of undenatured whey protein available. Having a PGX Satisfast protein drink between meals provides a feeling of fullness without adding excess calories. It also minimizes the urge to snack before or between meals. PGX Satisfast Whey Protein is sweetened with stevia and comes in delicious Dark Chocolate and Very Vanilla flavours.
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